Ricardo Baretzky President ECIPS.EU News CYBERPOL’s Warning: Google’s Role in Violating the Budapest Convention and Facilitating Extremist Islamic Terrorism in the EU

CYBERPOL’s Warning: Google’s Role in Violating the Budapest Convention and Facilitating Extremist Islamic Terrorism in the EU


The International Cyber Policing Organization, known as CYBERPOL, has recently issued a grave warning about Google’s violations of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. CYBERPOL asserts that Google is directly responsible for the expansion of extremist Islamic terrorism in the European Union. This article examines the allegations, the specific laws Google is accused of breaching, and the broader implications of these violations.

Understanding the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

The Budapest Convention, formally known as the Convention on Cybercrime, was the first international treaty seeking to address Internet and computer crime by harmonizing national laws, improving investigative techniques, and increasing cooperation among nations. Key areas covered by the Convention include:

Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer data and systems.

Computer-related offenses.

Content-related offenses, including the distribution of child pornography.

Offenses related to infringements of copyright and related rights.

CYBERPOL’s Allegations Against Google

CYBERPOL’s warning is multifaceted, accusing Google of several serious infractions:

Hosting Terrorist Content:

Google is accused of allowing its platforms, including YouTube and Google Drive, to host extremist content that incites violence and recruits individuals for terrorist activities.

Facilitating Communication Among Terrorists:

Through various tools and services such as Google Meet, Gmail, and Google Hangouts, CYBERPOL claims that Google has created an ecosystem where terrorists can freely communicate and coordinate their activities.

Creating Online Communities for Terrorists:

The organization highlights that Google’s social networking services, particularly YouTube and Google Groups, have become breeding grounds for extremist communities.

Profiting from Terrorist Activities:

By hosting these websites and services, Google is allegedly profiting from advertising and data collection, which CYBERPOL argues makes Google complicit in these illegal activities.

Specific Breaches of the Budapest Convention

CYBERPOL’s accusations, if substantiated, indicate multiple breaches of the Budapest Convention:

Article 2 – Illegal Access:

By allowing unauthorized access to computer systems for terrorist coordination, Google may be in violation of this article.

Article 5 – System Interference:

Facilitating platforms for terrorist communication and coordination could be seen as disrupting the integrity and availability of computer systems, which is prohibited under this article.

Article 9 – Offenses Related to Child Pornography:

While the primary focus is on terrorism, the presence of other illicit content such as child pornography could also implicate Google under this provision.

Article 10 – Infringements of Copyright and Related Rights:

Hosting content that violates intellectual property laws, including terrorist propaganda videos that may use copyrighted material, could also fall under this article.

The Role of Google in Content Regulation

One of the core arguments made by CYBERPOL is that it is not the job of law enforcement to take down such content; rather, it is Google’s responsibility to ensure that their platforms are not used for illegal activities. Google’s terms of service and community guidelines explicitly prohibit content that incites violence or promotes terrorism. However, the sheer volume of content and the complexity of detecting such material have proven challenging.

Misleading Websites and Organized Crime

CYBERPOL also points to the proliferation of misleading websites that spread extremist ideology. Google’s advertising network is often exploited by these websites to generate revenue. By allowing these websites to thrive and profit, Google could be seen as engaging in organized crime, as it benefits financially from the traffic and engagement on these sites.

Legal Framework and Implications

To understand the gravity of CYBERPOL’s allegations, it is essential to consider the broader legal framework beyond the Budapest Convention:

European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

Google is required to protect user data and ensure it is not used for unlawful purposes. Facilitating terrorist communication could be seen as a violation of data protection principles.

EU Directive on Combating Terrorism (Directive (EU) 2017/541):

This directive obliges member states to criminalize acts related to terrorism, including the dissemination of terrorist content online. Google’s failure to prevent its platforms from being used for such purposes could implicate it under this directive.

US Anti-Terrorism Act:

Given that Google is based in the United States, it is also subject to US laws, including those that criminalize material support for terrorism. Allowing its platforms to be used for terrorist activities could constitute a breach of these laws.

Case Studies and Examples

To illustrate the severity of the issue, CYBERPOL has provided several case studies where Google’s platforms were used for terrorist purposes:

YouTube as a Recruitment Tool:

Numerous instances have been documented where extremist groups used YouTube to disseminate propaganda videos aimed at recruiting new members. Despite efforts to remove such content, many videos remain accessible for extended periods, allowing them to reach vulnerable individuals.

Google Drive for Storing Manuals:

Terrorist groups have been found to use Google Drive to store and share manuals on making explosives and conducting attacks. The encrypted nature of these files makes detection and removal challenging.

Gmail for Coordination:

Encrypted email services, including Gmail, have been used by terrorist cells to coordinate activities without detection. The use of end-to-end encryption complicates efforts by law enforcement to intercept and prevent these communications.

CYBERPOL’s Recommendations

In light of these findings, CYBERPOL has made several recommendations to address the issue:

Improved Content Moderation:

Google must invest in more advanced technologies and human resources to detect and remove extremist content more effectively.

Collaboration with Law Enforcement:

Greater cooperation between Google and law enforcement agencies is essential to identify and disrupt terrorist activities on its platforms.

Transparency and Accountability:

Google should be more transparent about its efforts to combat terrorism on its platforms and hold itself accountable for any failures.

Financial Penalties:

Regulatory bodies should consider imposing substantial fines on Google for violations of international laws and treaties related to cybercrime and terrorism.

Stop Google!

The warning from CYBERPOL highlights a significant and troubling issue:

the role of major tech companies in the proliferation of extremist content and the facilitation of terrorist activities. While Google has made efforts to combat these problems, CYBERPOL’s allegations suggest that much more needs to be done. By failing to adequately police its platforms, Google not only violates the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime but also risks becoming complicit in the very activities it seeks to prevent.

This situation calls for immediate and decisive action from Google, international regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies to ensure that the Internet remains a safe space, free from the influence of extremist ideologies and activities. As technology continues to evolve, so too must the measures we take to protect our societies from the growing threat of cybercrime and terrorism.
